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PRIVACY POLICY – Sacred Dao Acupuncture Clinic

  • Sacred Dao Acupuncture Clinic collects your personal and medical information corresponding to the therapeutic services provided. Please note that all the collected data is stored and processed in accordance to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that has come into effect on May 25, 2018. 


  • The type of personal data collected may vary between patients, but it always entails contact details (email, telephone number, postal address) – needed for communication purposes and for invoice issuing,  and a detailed medical history – needed for the safe practice of the Chinese medicine therapies I am specialised in. The data is collected either through the online contact and booking forms, when booking a treatment over the phone or during the treatment sessions. 


  • Once you become a patient of Sacred Dao Acupuncture Clinic you will be asked for permission to be included in the emailing list for updates and newsletters. You may unsubscribe at any time by sending your request at or by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletters. If you have booked an appointment with me, you will always receive a booking confirmation email and an appointment reminder email before each treatment. I may also email you after treatments with follow up advice or further information, which will only occur with your consent. I will only ever contact via telephone if there is a valid reason to do so (e.g. unexplained absence at a specified treatment time or urgent need to change/cancel the appointment etc.). 


  • The integrity and confidentiality of your collected data is ensured by taking all the necessary measures for the appropriate data security, including protection against unauthorised access, loss, destruction or damage. This is done by using a secure website, only secured internet connections, a secured laptop with password protection only accessible to and by me, and a secured storage for any paper files such as the informed consent forms signed on the first consultation or any other relevant medical forms provided by patients. In the unlikely circumstance that anything goes wrong with your data, you will be informed accordingly.


  • Sacred Dao Acupuncture Clinic is committed to never disclose or share any of the collected information with third parties. In cases such as referrals to or collaboration with other health care providers, where sharing some of the medical details might be needed, this will only be done with your express consent. The only exception is the extreme circumstance in which the data is required by the police or legal representatives. Please note that Sacred Dao Acupuncture Clinic will always endeavour to inform you about any data sharing of this nature where possible.


  • You can request a full disclosure of your data collected by Sacred Dao Acupuncture Clinic at any point. You can also ask for your personal data to be modified or deleted. The Dutch medical association states that medical records should be kept for a period of 15 years, after which they must be destroyed. Therefore, if you require for your data to be deleted, Sacred Dao Acupuncture Clinic will store it in an inactive archive until the 15 years period expires, then the data will be completely destroyed. Please send me an email at if you wish to do any of the above. 


  • If you have any further questions about the collection, processing and use of your personal data please contact me directly at


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Membership Number: D2036

AGB Praktijk: 90065709

KvK: 72917733

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